Carrier Boards

In some wall and roof build-ups a carrier board is used to take the internal plaster or external render finish. In a natural building, a vapour-open carrier board is needed to maintain a vapour-permeable build-up, with a lime plaster applied as the final finish. These boards can be constructed from a range of different materials, depending on the specific use, but all have a relatively open structure that ensures vapour can easily pass through. When selecting a carrier board, it is important to consider several factors. For example; Is the application internal or external? Will the board also be giving racking resistance to a timber frame? Will it also be providing insulation? Does it need to form a curve? Will it be used as a permanent shuttering for hempcrete? In the case of permanent shuttering for hempcrete the board must be suitable for large volumes of water and vapour to dry through it quickly.

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