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The roof is the first line of defence against the elements and accounts for approximately a quarter of heat loss in an uninsulated home, so using natural materials with robust detailing is crucial to ensure waterproofing and thermal performance, alongside excellent sustainability and healthy home credentials.
Shop Roof Insulation +
Windows bring solar gains and daylight, but are also a thermal bridge. Using double- or triple-glazed units minimises heat loss and guarantees a consistent thermal performance. Careful attention to airtightness around windows is essential, as is insulating the window reveals to avoid thermal bridging.

Partition Wall
Insulating partition walls and internal floor structures provides acoustic and thermal separation between rooms. Whether in-filling between timbers or building partitions from hempcrete blocks, using natural insulations ensures that partitions are not off-gassing VOCs into your living space, and reduces fire risk.
Shop Hempcrete Blocks +
It is important to think about how insulation and finishes fit with the structural elements of the building. Whilst any material can be used, the warmth and flexibility of a timber frame complements the performance of natural materials and also sequesters carbon for the lifetime of the building.

Whether designing a new build or retrofitting, it is essential to put a thermal buffer between yourself and the cold earth. When selecting a floor system, it is important to consider whether a solid ground floor or a suspended floor is appropriate, and what performance you want from the insulation.
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External Wall
The design of external walls is crucial to ensuring an overall high thermal perormance. It is important to consider how your insulation interacts with the structure, what your finishes are, how you will ensure good airtightness and whether you need to include ventilated cavities or services in the wall build-up.
Shop Wall Products +An online store for natural building materials
The Natural Building Store is an online store specialising in cutting-edge bio-based and highly sustainable building products.
With an experienced team with specialist knowledge in specifying vapour-permeable construction build ups, we are dedicated to only stocking the best sustainable building materials, with consideration for:
- Embodied energy
- Locality of manufacture where possible
- Recycling and re-use
- End-of-life wastage
- Thermal performance
- Breathability
Building on the experience of running a leading hempcrete construction company, UK Hempcrete Ltd, the Natural Building Store strives to make buying sustainable building materials accessible to a wider audience.